
Ophthalmology in Ukraine


Functional eye vision is one of the major things defining your life quality. Genetic diseases, diabetic eye conditions and even industrial trauma – all of these are dominant problems that can affect your eye health and demand for immediate medical treatment.

Modern scientific researches in this field in Ukraine gain the primary importance. Today, ophthalmological clinics successfully fight trachoma, glaucoma, perform eye surgery, laser correction and develop exclusive therapeutic programs.

Three main advantages of having your eye condition examined and treated in Ukraine are: highly qualified doctors, up-to-date medical equipment and significantly lower prices.

You can be sure that lead Ukrainian clinics operate such innovative instruments like retinal or fundus camera, photocoagulation lasers, laser ophthalmoscope and computer systems with modern software. This, along with great experience of the ophthalmological practice, gives you guarantees for the fast and competent treatment.


Ukrainian achievements in the field of ophthalmology are well known all over the world for a long time now. For example, famous Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine in Odessa was the first facility in the world to perform the corneal transplantation back in the 1938. And is still one of the lead medical institutions in the world ophthalmological science and practical treatment.

Additionally, we need to mention, that many world-wide known international ophthalmological clinics open their representing offices here in Ukraine. You get the same quality with Ukrainian price point.


Among great variety of medical treatments and services you can get in Ukraine in the ophthalmology field, we can point out such:

Computer diagnostic of sight – this includes full examination by certified ophthalmologists, optical coherent eye tomography, eyeground examination, ultrasonic scanning etc. Performed with the help of modern technologies, such diagnostics will help to give the broad picture of the current vision condition and possible health issues.

Laser vision correction – the most popular method of helping with astigmatism, myopia or hyperopia. Laser correction is the perfect opportunity to forget about the glasses and restore your perfect eyesight.

Diabetic eye care – this includes non-surgery and surgery therapy of diabetic retinopathy. Widespread health problem that can be treated on every stage of the disease by laser correction procedure or qualified eye surgery.

Eye surgery – this covers surgeries on various structures of the eye including eyelids in case of papillomas, atherosis etc; eye muscular system – if the patient has strabismus; intraocular surgery as a treatment for the cataract or glaucoma; on conjunctiva etc.

Eye microsurgery in lead ophthalmology clinics in Ukraine is performed with the help of the most innovative medical equipment by well-known certified surgeons. One of the most frequently performed eye microsurgery nowadays is the phacoemulsification – modern cataract treatment.

Cataract treatment – including consultation, pharmacotherapy and surgery if considered necessary. The patient’s eye can be saved by substitution of the opacity eye lense with the artificially made one.

Night and day lenses – contact lens vision correction is the modern answer to the glasses. In Ukrainian ophthalmology clinics you can get full information on all type of lens available, their price and ways of usage. The process of fitting is fast and precise. We need to mention intraocular lenses as well, as they are a modern therapy for various eye issues.


It can be a hard to intrust your health, and especially sight, to unknown doctors from the foreign countries. However, in this case, you can witness hundreds of successful cases and positive feedbacks based on the combination of professional work of local doctors and innovative medical equipment of the clinics.



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